HIMYM Websites List (Updated)

The updated list of websites mentioned in How I Met Your Mother

Barney Stinson Websites
  • NotaFathersDay.com –  Barney Stinson creates this website as part of a new holiday for single, childless men.  Who's NOT your daddy ?
  • StinsonBreastReduction.com – In season 7, episode 4, Barney reveals to his friends that he pretended to be a breast reduction doctor to trick big-breasted women into meeting with him, creating this website to further the ruse.
    • LinsonBreastLawsuit.com – In the same episode, Barney tells his friends that he also created a website where he poses as a lawyer willing to sue the breast reduction doctor who was another of his roles.
Visit himym-websites for the complete list of fake websites in how i met your mother ; including
Ted Mosby Web sites, Marshall and Lily Websites, Robin Scherbatsky Websites.


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